Humanity Stopped Listening

I know I am not alone when I say the 2016 political year has been ugly.


No matter what news report you listen to, no matter what online source you follow, it is all hateful. There came a point when the issues were forgotten and it became a he said/she said tantrum of events. I cringe when I log onto social media, a place where I share stories about my children, a place where I go to follow friends I don't get to see often, and all I see are repulsive attitudes. Cyber bullying at it's finest.

So as I normally write about autism and disabilities, how does this relate to my root cause?

I often wonder how I can expect society to accept my child, to be kind, to teach your own children about acceptance, when in fact society can't practice it themselves?

I tend to think I will spend the rest of my life on this earth fighting the fight, fighting his fight. Being that mama bear that has to protect it's young because I have no faith in humanity.

When I have friends still using the word "retarded" to refer to a political figure, I guess they are not my friends after all. When you belittle someone online for their political choice, you are a bully. Plain and simple. And while I hope you are not passing that mentality on to your children, the ones that sit with my son at lunch, chance are they are learning it from you.

Remember when your mom taught you "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"?

Humanity stopped listening to their mom.

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