What This ASD Family Wants You To Know

I see you.

You've changed your profile picture on Facebook to "Light It Up Blue".

You've liked my posts related to autism.

You may have even changed your outside lights to blue bulbs to show your support.

But what are you REALLY doing to understand and support those with autism?

1. Acknowledge that those on the spectrum, their families and loved ones and not just looking for you to be aware of autism, they and us, are looking more for ACCEPTANCE.

2. Teach. If you are a parent, please teach your children to be friends with the kids that are different. Teach them to be compassionate and understanding. Teach them to protect and defend the more vulnerable kids. If you are a teacher, make sure part of your classroom lesson includes peer inclusion. The world can be a very lonely place and depression is far more common in those with developmental disabilities.

3. Its called "Autism SPECTRUM Disorder" because there is a broad range or disorders. So while you may know someone whose child flaps her arms, the next child on the spectrum might not. Never assume our children will act a certain way.

4. There is no cure. Mr. A will be autistic forever. Kids grow up into adults and we have to focus on our adult ASD society as much as children.

The biggest thing you can do is be aware ALL YEAR LONG. Not just April.

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