Good Doesn't Mean Great....But Its Not Bad Either

When it's good, it's good.

Like really, really good.

In the past 4 months, A has found his rhythm. I've caught him reading to himself, using polite words, brushing his teeth by himself. Small victories to most, these are big wins in our household.


Then you get a call from school and your anxiety goes through the roof because why would the school call. (We live in a world of anxiety during school hours).

Well, they call because the computer didn't load fast enough and A thought he would miss out on computer time. His favorite time.

Dear Apple.....thank you! Thank you for iPads and iMacs.

So he threw a chair, flipped a table and ran to his adjustment councilor, his "safe" place. After going to the Occupational Therapy room for some sensory stimulation, he then cried (post meltdown emotional release) because he realized it wasn't the great day he promised mom when he said good-bye that morning.

No matter how good it can be, no matter how much therapy he attends or medication he takes, he still and will forever be autistic.


There is no cure. No magic pill and no amount of therapy that will take it all away.

He will never be neurotypical.

So when I say it's good, really really good, it just means we are staying afloat.

We have our arm floaties on.

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