Today is the 1st day back to school. I should have ended that sentence with an exclamation point however, it is not something I have looked forward to. Sleepless nights, worrying over IEP's, new teachers and new friends (potential) has left this mama with more anxiety then A has going to the Rain Forest Cafe!

A woke up a little earlier then normal but after going to bed by 8:30pm and sleeping the entire night in his bed, I know this morning was off to a good start. We decided to walk to school because even the shortest walks gets out some of his energy before being asked to pay attention for a few hours.

We found his line immediately and A was pleasantly surprised that his classroom line was next to his big brothers.

We chatted with old friends and patiently waited for the teachers to come outside.

I spotted his guidance councilor and made a mental note to grab her ear as soon as possible.

The teachers started filing out the door, heading to their classroom lines. I saw A's teacher approaching as she shook every child's hand and introduced herself to us parents. I had requested this teacher in particular. She has a larger population of foreign children and we have come to learn that they have been the least likely to pick on Angelo for his disabilities.

Once A's teacher passed by us, another woman stopped by to introduce herself. She said she would be in A's class so I assumed she was the SPED teacher.....but no, I was wrong.

She is A's 1:1 aid!

I was elated. A had an aid for the last quarter of the school year last year and his behavior improved immensely. Having someone prompt when it's time to change task is huge for A. Without his aid I'm not sure if he would have made it to 2nd grade.

I wanted to hug his aid. And cry out of happiness. With that one handshake, all of my anxiety disappeared.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I just added a new family member to that village. That gives me justification to rewrite the first sentence above.

Today is the 1st day back to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First day of 2nd grade!

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