Kindness Does Exist

It's our 3rd day of school and we haven't been kicked out yet. I'm joking. Kinda.

When I met A after school yesterday, his smile said it all.

"How was your day buddy"?

"I love 2nd grade".

Best response ever.

So when we showed up in line this morning, we started our line up ritual. Hubby found that Rock, Paper, Scissors reduces his before school anxiety. We spend a few minutes talking about our daily expectations, after school activities and then jump into rock, paper, scissors before the teacher comes out.

This morning we had a visitor to our line. A little girl showed up with a plastic bag in hand.

Little girl: "Hi A, I brought you a present. Close your eyes".

A: Okay (closes his eyes but peeks though)

Little Girl: "I got you a Chewbacca Furbie! Because you had a Chewbacca backpack last year"!

A: "Wow. This is awesome (and proceeds to make the Chewbacca growling noise).

I know that A was so happy not at the toy but at the thought of having someone like him enough to give him a gift. I was just happy to just have a little girl recognize that A is a pretty cool kid that loves Star Wars.

I challenge you all to make a difference in someones life.

Deliver a meal to an elderly relative. Offer a ride to someone without a car. Volunteer. Be kind.

There is someone out there that can use your kindness. Maybe one day you'll be on the receiving end.


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