Dear Me Six Months Ago

Dear Me,

As you sit here in the doctor's office waiting to find out A's diagnosis, I want to let you know a few things.

It is going to be a long road. Life as you know it will change. But it will get easier. Each day you will celebrate accomplishments, even on the toughest days. But it will get easier.

When you are at your weakest, you will find this is when your other kids are strong. They will lead A, teach him and love him for who he is. They will understand his struggles. And they will be your strength when you feel like you have given all you can give.

You will meet amazing people in the ASD community. Some will be local, some will be online. All will become your friends. And all are routing for A.

It is okay to say no. When you are invited to holiday events and birthday parties, it is okay to say this just doesn't work for us. This doesn't work for A. Saying no is okay.

He is still the same silly boy that loves wrestling, doing flips and playing soccer. Regardless of what they tell you, he is still A.

You will cry. In the shower, in the car and cry your self to sleep. CRY! It's already a scary world we live will wonder how he will maneuver it when you are gone. But when you are done crying, wipe away the tears and fight. Fight so that you don't have to worry about his future.

More then anything, love him deeply. Tell him every day. There can be cruel people in the world and no doubt he will come across them. So love him with a strength more powerful then words.


The Future (Stronger) You

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