Extra Super Moon...Be Very Afraid!!!!

On November 14th, the moon will make it's closest pass to earth since 1948. Did I mention it will also be a full moon? I guess this bad boy has a name.


ASD parents prepare.....get your bottle's of wine ready because this is not going to be good.

For those unfamiliar with the ASD world, on autism board across the world, you'll find parents posting about their child's changes during a full moon. They seem to get a little angrier, a little grumpier and a little more emotional.

We have watched A's behavior during the average full moon. He becomes a bit crankier, uneasy to sooth and nights become sleepless. Seriously, who doesn't want to watch Nick @ Nite at 2am. Just when I thought life with A couldn't get any more "wonkier" then it is, it does!

Now I am not calling my child a lunatic however, there is a reason it comes from the word "lunar". Just saying.

So while there are Doomsday preppers filling basements with gallons of water and batteries, call this mama a Full Moon prepper.

Wine? Check!

Stocked Keurig coffee collection? Check!

Proper shoes for walking on eggshells? Check!

Now we wait........

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