My Annoying Little Bother....I Mean Brother.

"Play with me G".

This is screamed through my house on a daily basis. Some days big brother G is okay with playing with the little bother. Other days, he couldn't be bothered (see what I did there?).

While most of us are understanding and trying to learn and maneuver the world of A, there is one guy that looks at his little brother as the same little brother he has always had. There are no changes.

And A can be annoying. He makes weird noises. He growls, grunts and has throat clearing tics. It drives us crazy but we understand why he does it. G does not.

I've bought numerous books on autism, geared towards kids and siblings. G has read them. he has even pointed out the "A does that too"! But it still doesn't register, because to G, A is still just his little brother.

We walk a fine line between making sure G has his own identity, his own alone time, but also ensuring that he makes quality time for the bother, er brother.

At times I wish G could understand A's autism......but for the most part I am happy G looks past it and just sees his little brother as his little bother. They way siblings should be.

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